I am a student of B.B.A (major in Accounting).Accounting is my favourite subject that's why choose Accounting for graduation.I am also developer
I want to always learn something new.I can Learn any thing easily within short time.I spent my free time by gardening and reading book
I am a web designer you can design any website by me with low cost.I complet this site recently click here
I am app developer.You can do any app related work by me
I am website developer frontend and backend(both). So,you can any web related work
I am data entry specialist.You can give me typing and data entry related work
I know microsoft office work.So,you can give me order any microsoft office related work
I am professional teacher,I have 6 year experieance.If you need any tutor specially Financial Accounting,Cost Accounting,Finance you can conduct with me.I have youtube channel about various academic topic(my channel)
Complet Photography basic course photography certificate Finally,I have completed photography course and certified me by course recognized...